Inquest into the Death of Andre Walter BOND
Inquest into the Death of Andre Walter BOND
Delivered on :10 May 2021
Delivered at : Perth
Finding of : Coroner Jenkin
Recommendations :N/A
Orders/Rules : N/A
Suppression Order : N/A
Summary : Mr Bond died on 14 May 2019 at Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH) from upper airway obstruction. At the time of his death he was subject to a community treatment order (CTO) and so an inquest was mandatory.
Mr Bond’s first recorded contact with mental health services occurred in 1994. His medical history included high blood pressure, obesity and he had been variously diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, Asperger’s syndrome and bipolar affective disorder.
Mr Bond was admitted to hospital on 19 February 2019 with what was thought to be a manic relapse of his schizoaffective disorder. He received treatment in hospital and on 17 April 2019, he was discharged home to live with his parents. He was placed on a CTO as a temporary measure on the basis that he had previously been non-compliant with medication and because he lacked capacity to make treatment decisions.
The CTO required Mr Bond to comply with his treatment plan, meaning he was required comply with his prescribed medication and receive regular contact from his care coordinator. Mr Bond was also required to attend monthly reviews with a psychiatric registrar and three-monthly reviews with his supervising psychiatrist. After reviewing the available evidence, the coroner was satisfied that the decision to place Mr Bond on a CTO was justified and that the treatment that Mr Bond received whilst he was subject to the CTO was appropriate.
Shortly before 7.30 pm on 14 May 2019, Mr Bond was having a steak dinner at home when his father heard a choking noise and saw Mr Bond lean forward and put his finger in his mouth. Mr Bond then said “I’m choking”, before collapsing, unresponsive, to the floor. Mr Bond’s father called for an ambulance and started CPR. Ambulance officers arrived and took over resuscitation efforts before taking Mr Bond to FSH, where he was declared deceased.
Catch Words : Upper Airway Obstruction (Choking) : CTO : Schizophrenia : Schizoaffective Disorder : Accident
Last updated: 17 January 2025