Delivered on: 11 June 2014
Delivered at: Perth
Finding of: Coroner Linton
Recommendations: N/A
Orders/Rules: N/A
Suppression Order: N/A
Summary: The deceased was a 3 year old boy who at the time of his death was under the care of the Department for Child Protection and Family Services. The deceased was with another child playing in a caravan which was located in the back yard of the house in which he was residing. At some stage a fire was ignited in the caravan trapping the two children. Despite efforts made by adult family members they could not rescue the children.
The inquest focused on the care of the deceased in the period leading up to his death as well as the circumstances of his death.
The Coroner found that the deceased had been appropriately placed by the Department into a loving, nurturing and culturally appropriate environment. The Coroner also observed that there was no action that the Department could have taken that might have prevented the deceased’s death.
The Coroner found the deceased died on 12 October 2008 from smoke inhalation and burns and that death occurred by way of an accident.
Catch Words: Department for Child Protection and Family Services – fire – smoke inhalation – caravan - accident
Last updated: 1-Feb-2024
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