Coroner's Court of Western Australia

Inquest into the Death of Helen Barbara MINETT

Delivered on - 15 May 2014

Delivered at - Perth

Finding of - Coroner Linton

Recommendations - N/A

Orders/Rules - N/A

Suppression Order - N/A

Summary - The deceased was a 55 year old female who died on 28 September 2009.

The focus of the inquest was the overdose of morphine medication taken by the deceased and the treatment provided to the deceased by her treating doctors and carers in the aftermath.

The Coroner found the deceased died on 28 September 2009 from multiple drug toxicity in a woman with coronary artery atherosclerosis. The manner of death was an open finding as both suicide and accident were open as alternative verdicts.

Catch Words - Professional boundaries between doctor and patient – overdose – morphine - open finding


Last updated: 15-Jan-2024

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