Inquest into the Death of Kim Martin FRANKER
Inquest into the Death of Kim Martin FRANKER
Delivered on :31 August 2018
Delivered at : Perth
Finding of : Deputy State Coroner Vicker
Recommendations :N/A
Orders/Rules : N/A
Suppression Order : N/A
Summary : The deceased was found lying on a park bench in Fremantle. He appeared to be intoxicated and dehydrated and was found with a number of different prescription medications. An ambulance was requested to attend. The deceased began to deteriorate and lost consciousness. He was taken by ambulance to Fiona Stanley Hospital while paramedic performed CPR. He arrived at Fiona Stanley Hospital and was declare deceased soon after arrival. The deceased was 36 years of age.
The deceased was subject to a Community Treatment Order and managed in the community by Community Forensic Mental Health Services and as an inpatient in hospitals. His diagnosis was of a schizoaffective disorder and mental and behavioural disorder due to his multiple substance abuse.
The deceased had an extensive history of polysubstance abuse including alcohol, intravenous amphetamines, ecstasy, LSD and marijuana dating back to when he was 16 years of age. The deceased was first admitted to a psychiatric hospital in 2001 where he was diagnosed with amphetamine induced psychosis. He had many admissions to psychiatric facilities, predominantly Graylands Hospital and Fremantle Alma Street Centre. He self-reported regular cannabis use and more regular amphetamine use. He was assessed as having limited insight into his illness which caused him to refuse to engage in substance abuse treatment.
The deceased had a number of physical medical conditions in addition to his psychiatric issues and these were generally dealt with by his GP in the community, although it appeared the deceased was also receiving prescriptions from the street doctor and possibly others unbeknown to his GP. While an inpatient the deceased’s medications, both psychiatric and physical, were dispensed by the facility in which he was a patient.
The Deputy State Coroner concluded the deceased’s involvement with illicit drugs and the abuse of prescription medication, which provided him with some effects similar to, or enhanced the effects, of those of illicit drugs while in the community, made it very difficult for those interested in managing his behaviours to ensure he was medication compliant.
The Deputy State Coroner was satisfied the combination of the drugs the deceased had in his system explained his death on 28 February 2016 in combination with his co-morbidities. The Deputy State Coroner was satisfied it was an intentional abuse of both illicit drugs and prescriptions medications, but there was no evidence the deceased intended to take his life.
The Deputy State Coroner concluded the supervision, treatment and care the deceased received from his CFMHS while subject to a CTO in the community was of a high standard in all the circumstances with respect to the deceased.
Catch Words : Community Treatment Order : Abuse of Illicit and Prescription medications : Co-morbidities : Accident.
Last updated: 6-Dec-2024
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