Coroner's Court of Western Australia

Inquest into the Death of Marjorie Mary DONE

Delivered on - 26 May 2014

Delivered at - Perth

Finding of - Coroner King

Recommendations - N/A

Orders/Rules - N/A

Suppression Order - N/A

Summary - The deceased was a 84 year old woman who was an involuntary patient under the Mental Health Act 1996 and resided at the Ursula Frayne Unit of the Mercy Hospital in Mt Lawley.

The inquest focused on the quality of the supervision, treatment and care of the deceased.

The Coroner found the deceased died on 3 December 2010 and that the cause of death was unascertainable. The manner of death was natural causes.

Catch Words - Involuntary patient – Mental Health Act 1996 – natural causes


Last updated: 29-Jan-2024

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