Coroner's Court of Western Australia

Inquest into the Death of Michael Joseph BOTTOMLEY

Inquest into the Death of Michael Joseph BOTTOMLEY

Delivered on :6 October 2015

Delivered at : Perth

Finding of : Coroner King

Recommendations :N/A

Orders/Rules : N/A

Suppression Order : N/A

Summary : The deceased was 53 years old at the time of his death on 4 May 2012.  He was an alcoholic but was not homeless.  He was lying obscured in a dark laneway off Murray Street Mall in the Perth CBD at about midnight when a waste removal truck operated by City of Perth backed up the laneway and ran over him, causing him fatal injuries. 

Earlier that evening the deceased had been warned by two sets of police officers not to sleep in the laneway because of the danger of being run over by a truck.

There was no question of criminality.  The focus of the evidence was on the conduct of the police officers and on City of Perth procedures in relation to waste and recycling removal in laneways.

The coroner concluded that the actions of both sets of police officers were entirely appropriate.

The coroner was satisfied that changes to City of Perth procedures are likely to reduce considerably the likelihood that another person using a laneway in Perth to sleep will be run over by a City of Perth truck.

The Coroner found that the deceased died on 4 May 2012 at Plaza Arcade Laneway in Perth from multiple injuries and that death arose by way of accident.

Catch Words : police officer;  laneways; alcoholic; homeless;  


Last updated: 23-Apr-2024

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