Coroner's Court of Western Australia

Inquest into the Deaths of Ian Bradley Vincent and Kane Edwin Nelson

Inquest into the Death of Ian Bradley VINCENT and Suspected Death of Kane Edwin NELSON

 Delivered on: 4 August 2014

Delivered at: Perth

Finding of: Coroner Linton

Recommendations : Yes

Orders/Rules : N/A

Suppression Order : N/A

Summary : Ian Bradley Vincent was a 31 year old man at the time of his death on 8 December 2012 at Redgate Beach, Witchcliffe. Kane Edwin Nelson was a 22 year old man at the time of his disappearance on 8 December 2012 at Redgate Beach, Witchcliffe.

The death of Ian Vincent was a reportable death and was reported to the State Coroner by police.  The subsequent police investigation into the Dr Vincent’s death identified evidence that also pointed towards the suspected death of Mr Nelson, in circumstances that would make it a reportable death.

The inquest focused primarily on determining whether the death of Mr Nelson could be established beyond reasonable doubt.  In addition, evidence was heard about problems with the signage in the area of Redgate Beach at the time of the incident and what steps have been taken to improve the signage since that time, as well as other features of Redgate Beach relevant to public safety issues.

The Coroner identified a lack of direct beach access and launch capabilities of powered rescue craft at Redgate Beach and made the following recommendation in respect to that –

“I recommend that the Department of Parks and Wildlife take steps to create and maintain a roadway to facilitate direct beach access for emergency vehicles and other lifesaving assets and equipment to Redgate Beach and to ensure that the relevant organisations are informed of how the roadway can be accessed”.

The Coroner found Dr Vincent died on 8 December 2012 from immersion (drowning) and found that the manner of Dr Vincent’s death was by way of accident.

The Coroner established beyond reasonable doubt that Mr Nelson died on 8 December 2012 from immersion (drowning) and found that the manner of Mr Nelson’s death was by way of accident.

The Coroner commended the volunteers and staff from all agencies involved who risked their own lives by entering the water to recover the body of Dr Vincent and then continue in their attempts to recover the body of Mr Nelson. The Coroner also noted the bravery of Mr Nelson, who had returned to the water to try to save Dr Vincent.

Catch Words : Missing person – beach signage – beach access – emergency vehicles – lifesaving equipment

Last updated: 9-Jan-2024

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