Coroner's Court of Western Australia

Police Inquest Brief

Before the Inquest the Coroner receives from the police a brief containing all the relevant information about the death which they have collected. This includes witness statements, police reports, the autopsy report, toxicology report, photos and other forensic material.

A family member or other person who is an interested party can usually get access to this information, although sometimes information has been provided on a confidential basis which prevents its release.

An appointment time must be arranged with the Registry to ensure that the brief is available for viewing and that a room is vacant for the family to view the brief in privacy.

Contacting the Coroner's Court

If you have any questions about the Inquest or, alternatively, there is anything you would like to inform the Coroner of before the Inquest, ring the Manager Listings at the Coroner's Court Perth. If necessary she can direct you to the Counsel Assisting the Coroner for the Inquest.

Last updated: 11-Dec-2017

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